Moving can be a huge undertaking, especially when moving with kids. Now it's the countdown to moving day that can be a stressful process for the entire family, so take advantage of this Moving With Kids Checklist Guide with week-to-week steps to plan your move as smoothly as possible. This is the time to start strategically planning your move step-by-step to remove the stress of last-minute packing and coordination. 2 MONTHS OR 8 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ Research Moving Services ___ Discuss the Move With The Kids ___ Provide Landlord 60 Day Notice ___ Create a budget for the Move ___ Note ALL Tax Deductible Moving Expenses ___ Research Schools ___ Inform Dentist (if possible) ___ Decide Whether to Take Appliances 7 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ Book a Truck Rental ___ Notify Friends and Family of Your Move ___ Ask Friends to Help with Move ___ Get Estimates from Professional Movers ___ Reserve a Storage Unit ___ Gather All Warranty Information and Manuals 6 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ Schedule the Movers ___ Make Travel Arrangements ___ Notify Schools of Your Move ___ Take Your Pet to the Veterinarian ___ Check Auto, Renters and/or Homeowners Insurance 5 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ Start Using Up Refrigerated Food and Pantry Items ___ Strategize Your Packing Process ___ Host a Garage Sale (Yes Include the Kids) ___ Donate Possessions ___ Pay Any Unpaid Parking Tickets MONTH OR 4 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ BEGIN PACKING and Track Inventory ___ Update All Memberships ___ Decide What to Do With Plants ___ Service Your Car(s) ___ Schedule Car Shipping Service ___ Confirm Date and Time with Moving Company ___ Decide Temporary Housing 3 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ Forward Mail ___ Change Social Security and Medicare Mailing Address ___ Inform Health Insurance ___ Inform Your Doctor ___ Notify Service Providers ___ Arrange Child Care for Moving Day ___ Transfer Utilities 2 WEEKS BEFORE YOU MOVE ___ Forward Medical Records ___ Browse the New Home or Apartment Blueprint ___ Secure a Parking Spot for the Moving Truck ___ Update Bank Account and Credit Card Billing Addresses ___ Request Time Off From Work MOVING WEEK ___ Clean the Old Home or Apartment ___ Check Smoke Alarms ___ Take Care of Last Minute Errands ___ Inspect Old Home or Apartment with Landlord ___ Pack Kitchenware and Essentials ___ Take Care of Trash Removal and Recycling DAY BEFORE ___ Pack Luggage & Essentials ___ Tell Neighbors About Your Move ___ Get Cast for Tipping ___ Double check inventory of Items MOVING DAY ___ Bottles of Water Ready ___ Final Sweep of Home or Apartment ___ Hand Over the Keys 1 MONTH AFTER YOU MOVE ___ Unpack ___ Clean the New Place ___ Check on the Return of Security Deposit ___ Explore the Neighborhood ___ Change the Locks ___ Learn Trash PickUp Days ___ Check Smoke Alarms ___ Call Pest Control ___ Change Your IRS Address ___ Establish Domicile in the New State ___ Update Driver's License ___ Register to Vote ___ Baby-Proof the New Place ___ Meet the Neighbors ___ Register Your Pet ___ Schedule an Electrician MOVING SOON? CHECK OUT THESE ITEMS:
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